Creative Humans - Taylor Bruce | Wildsam Field Guides
I met Taylor in his home town of Austin Texas, at the pop up Northern Grade market back at the start of summer. He was showcasing his brilliant, curated genius - Wildsam Field Guides. I had just driven from San Francisco, where I had relied entirely on the Wildsam Field Guide to get me around town. I had been obsessed with this little red book and its invaluable local knowledge the entire time (and leading up to) my visit to the city. The thought of even meeting its curator was nothing short of exciting. We didn't have long together, Taylor and I. He was busy with the market stall and I was on the final leg of a three week long cross country road trip, ready to get home. Although short, our meeting was still very full - we spoke of San Francisco, my obsession with his Field Guides and the German sausage that he had just bought from one of the the food trucks outside. He was also very keen to share the story of the next in line (now published) field guide, Detroit. The fourth addition to the first three city's - Austin, San Fran and Nashville. Full of local suggestions and recommended haunts, interviews, essays and hand-drawn maps, these unique little books are a true travelers gem. If you've already found the Wildsam Field Guides, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven't, get on it. These guides are gold.
What projects are you currently working on?
We just finished a print piece for BILLY REID and their annual shindig weekend in Florence, Alabama. It was a blast to collaborate on stories from their hometown. Also WC Handy's birthplace. I loved reading his autobiography. Now we're full-speed ahead on finishing our next city field guide, New Orleans. There may be no American city more perfect for us.
Where do you draw your creative inspiration from?
Everywhere. Great writing to start. I love longform magazine writing. I love great short stories. I also find myself really kicking into creative gear when I'm at a tiny neighborhood cafe. Some place that's one of a kind and tucked away. Give me a window seat and a few hours and I'm in heaven.
Why field guides?
Because the world is wild, even cities. They have layers and layers of heritage and stories. And just passing along a list of stuff to do doesn't get deep into place.
Do you listen to music while you work? If so, would you be so kind to share some of your favourite artists?
I love a band out of Austin called Balmorhea. Somehow they capture the Texas sound. They even record cicadas and natural elements and lace it into their songs. "All is Silent, All is Wild" is my favorite record.
Do you have a morning ritual?
I make a Chem-Ex of dark coffee, sit in a black Acapulco chair on my porch with my wife and watch our dog, Coop, sniff the yard.
What's your idea of a perfect Friday night?
A bourbon-ginger at home, then meeting a friends for a big dinner at Contigo, our favorite restaurant in Austin. Then go driving around the outskirts of the hill country with my windows down.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I've been craving Italy lately. Give me the keys to an old convertible and one month with no plans.
Best piece of advice you've ever given or been given?
Love your neighbor.
What's for dinner?
Shashito peppers on the grill. Breaded chicken over Parmesan pasta with squash. Scribe vino. (At least that was last night. So good.)
The best part about being a creative?
There's always something new and exciting down the road.
The worst part?
Sometimes finishing those things is pretty hard.
Day or night? Morning. Old or new? A little of both. City or Country? City. Unless you're talking desert southwest, then that. Coffee or Tea? Coffee.
What do you enjoy most about living in Austin?
Lots of shared swimming holes. And the queso.
Thoughts for the future: