A Summer Picnic Party
Sometimes you have awesome neighbours who let you set up a summer picnic party in their back yard. Sometimes you become inconceivably grateful for the most wonderful group of people, who are willing to sit out in the mosquito ridden, cut the air with a knife, midsummer Floridan evening, so that they can help you celebrate your 28th birthday. Sometimes watching another year roll around isn't as scary or as sad or as odd at it is forecast to be. And then there are times, more often than some, when you realise that all you need is a short time in a brand new country to make and meet the most wonderful life long friends. All of the record listening, salad eating, popsicle slurping, bandicoot impersonating and guitar playing moments, all of them, make me incredibly happy. Sometimes, life is just that summery fairy light outdoor picnic type of party.